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“Public media in Wisconsin provides us with interesting, informative, and entertaining programs. We continue to learn about home maintenance, gardening, health care, travel, political issues and more.”
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“PBS Wisconsin Education is truly a unique resource for students, educators, families and the general public. I love the way it offers easy accessibility to diverse pop-
ulations across the state via the Internet.”
“Because of WPR, I look forward to my half-hour commute to and from work. I learn, I laugh, and I am inspired. I am so grateful to have such an incredible radio station available to me.”
“Daily, I learn about topics that are never mentioned on the network stations.
I feel that public radio and television
are invaluable assets in my life.”
“I can't imagine a day without WPR!
I listen to the Ideas Network of WPR
on my phone, in the car, and from
the computer.”
“With reduced funding to districts, PBS Wisconsin Education has become an invaluable resource, particularly in small rural schools with high levels of poverty.”
“PBS Wisconsin Education's resources are about Wisconsin and focus on many of the great things in our very own state. The materials are reliable and credible. They are easy to access and appropriate for students at a variety of grade levels.”
“Many times I discover the only programs worth watching are on PBS Wisconsin. My two young daughters enjoy many of the kids’ shows you have to offer; in fact, I enjoy watching most of them myself. Your history programming is excellent and always inspiring, to see how past generations have struggled and thrived at the same time.”
“I depend on PBS Wisconsin Education for interesting resources which help push my students' thinking to a higher level. “
“PBS Kids programs show values of enduring relationships, fair play, knowing and practicing ‘the right thing to do’, acknowledgment of how hard it is to be a kid sometimes… PBS Kids is a safe place to play in an increasingly scary world.”
“WPR is my best source of information about current happenings around Wisconsin. I don't want to listen to anything else.”
“PBS Wisconsin Education is a wonderful resource for our elementary students. Without "Into the Book", "Bill Nye", and "Wisconsin Biographies" our curriculum for English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies would be greatly diminished. “
“PBS Wisconsin is almost exclusively my TV watching because I feel confident that I will get a logical and sensible amount of information regarding health, elections, world and state affairs... and delightful entertainment.”
“WPR is a thread in the fabric of our lives. We enjoy sharing the amazing topics we've heard while listening with others. What a wonderful way to stay in touch with the world around us near and far. Thank you.”
“In these tight budget times, these resources help us in rural schools to support learning by implementing technology connections into everyday learning. This helps us better prepare students for the world of their future. These resources help meet the needs of every student whether in public or private educational settings.”
“Commercial-free, high-quality, carefully constructed educational programming, free and available to all, is so important to have as a resource for our kids. I appreciate the STEM emphasis of shows such as Wild Kratts, Peg+Cat, and Cat in the Hat. We love the reading and vocabulary-building shows too!”
“My radio dial (of both car and home radios) stays set on WPR because of the regular hours of classical music which I don't find on other stations. Public television provides for me concerts which I rarely go out to attend. I also appreciate the in-depth reporting of the PBS NewsHour which I watch regularly.”
“PBS Wisconsin Education helps teachers meet the state standards with quality resources that connect learning to our own communities.”
中国青年网_青年温度、青春靓度、青网态度 - Youth.cn:中国青年网,1999年5月4日正式开通,共青团中央主办的中央重点新闻网站,是国内最大的青年主流网站。中国青年网竭诚服务青年的文化、心理、情感和创业需求,是共青团运用网络文化元素吸引青年的新载体和引导青年的新途径,为团组织通过新媒体融入青年提供有力支撑。
贵州频道_国际在线 - CRI:国际在线贵州频道秉承“向世界报道贵州 让世界了解贵州”的工作理念,众“新闻+创意+宣传+公益”为核心,多渠道、多方式、多语种扎扎实实传播贵州多民族文化,为贵州搭建国际性的媒体平台。
“PBS Wisconsin Education is truly a unique resource for students, educators, families and the general public. I love the way it offers easy accessibility to diverse populations across the state via the Internet.”
“Because of WPR, I look forward to my half-hour commute to and from work. I learn, I laugh, and I am inspired. I am so grateful to have such an incredible radio station available to me.”
“Daily, I learn about topics that are never mentioned on the network stations. I feel that public radio and television are invaluable assets in my life.”
“I can't imagine a day without WPR! I listen to the Ideas Network of WPR on my phone, in the car, and from the computer.”
“With reduced funding to districts, PBS Wisconsin Education has become an invaluable resource, particularly in small rural schools with high levels of poverty.”
“PBS Wisconsin brings in-depth discussions of important ideas and information to the people of Wisconsin. Important issues are brought to the attention of everyone who watches PBS Wisconsin. It is a wonderful resource for the state.”
“PBS Kids programming is important. Commercial-free; gentle, respectful characters; education with substance.”
“Public media in Wisconsin provides us with interesting, informative, and entertaining programs. We continue to learn about home maintenance, gardening, health care, travel, political issues and more.”